PodKast with a N(in)th Doctor…

It’s podKast (with a “K”) time once again!

This week Christian Cawley and James McLean discuss the new trailer, the casting of alternative Ninth Doctor Richard E. Grant in the Doctor Who Christmas special and chat about actual Ninth Doctor Christopher Eccleton’s recent comments about the series.

Could Eccleston return for a 50th anniversary, and would he want to? See what we think via the player below (or at the top of the column to the right).


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4 thoughts on “PodKast with a N(in)th Doctor…

  1. Rose was referenced in “Let’s Kill Hitler”, and “The Wedding Of River Song”.Jack was also referenced in the former episode. And we have had not just one, or two, but three “flashbacks” to the images of all ten previous Doctors. Make that four if you count the printout from the Tardis console in “Vampires Of Venice” (The First and Second Doctors appearing). We have had the Silurians from “classic” Who. So Moffat “ignoring” The RTD era or the classic show’s history, is really an inaccurate statement. I Just think, that rightly so, Moffat has plenty of his own concepts and ideas he wishes to explore, without enslaving himself (JNT, anyone?) to the shows history, recent, or long past.

    1. Let’s Kill Hitler and The Wedding of River Song was the last series, which as I said in the Podkast, saw a change in philosophy given it also contained the coral TARDIS. If we want to add to the list we have Ood (albeit for budgetary reasons).

      Prior to that, RTD’s era seemed negated somewhat (unless it was pieces that Moffat had written – Song, Angels), especially for a wide range of new fans who had grown up on the serial narrative of the show which suddenly stopped when Moffat took over. Bar a couple of deleted scenes, the show itself didn’t really address any recent events or characters unless they were ones Moffat had worked on in the RTD era.

      As I said in the PodKast, I appreciate the rationale that maybe he wanted to define Doctor Who be it from personal ego or for the justifiable requirement to push the show forward without looking back. To some extent, RTD did the same (very few classic references in series one). My point – which might have been somewhat lost, is the ease we compare the old show’s format to the new show, and how newer fans of the show, used to a show with a far more serial narrative and a far faster range of re-watchable material via DVD and re-runs, the shift to the Smith era was very very severe. Would be fine in 1972 where shows lacked the serial arcs and vasts amount of re-runs that gave continuity more definition, but in the 21st Century, TV has changed.

      But yes, last series we did see a definitive shift in ideology, whether it be in response to fans or simply because the team felt the changeover had created its identity that it was safe to enjoy its past history. The question on the 50th Anniversary, I personally feel that he’ll need to carry on that trait and be open to explore or eras of the show, otherwise I think the Anniversary will feel shortchanged.

  2. I meant later not former,In regards to Jack in the post above. And,I also failed to note that Rose, Martha, and Donna actually “appeared” (The Tardis displaying their images to the Doctor after River had poisoned him)in the former as well.

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