PodKast Discusses Doctor Who’s Awesome 50th Anniversary Trailer

Kasterborous Doctor Who podKast It would be criminal to overlook it, so this week the reunited podKast team of Christian Cawley, Brian Terranova and James McLean cast their eyes over the ridiculously brilliant Doctor Who 50th anniversary trailer that aired last Saturday evening.

Musing over the quality of the body doubles, voice over work, the intricacies of the various props that were included and the prospect of a seeing a 3D version, the team also manage to mention a few other things, such as Brian Terranova’s coming appearances at conventions in the USA and an update on Christian’s Doctor Who Figurine Collection concerns.

There’s also our usual recommendations section, which includes classic Doctor Who and a few other things beside.

Ready? Click play!


Kasterborous Series 3 Episode 38 Shownotes

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3 thoughts on “PodKast Discusses Doctor Who’s Awesome 50th Anniversary Trailer

  1. Think you missed a trick lads with the missing stories/ episodes. Would of loved to of heard what you thought of them returning and the whole saga of what’s really happening in nigeria/ africa in relation to P Morris. Sure review the stories when they are released but the whole returning saga and the possibilities of future returns i think are a separate podcast/ discussion altogether. Just my opinion lads, love your weekly podcast, keep up the good work. Kind regards, richy555.

  2. Of course, now we know how the trailer was done – on a set with waxwork models and c g I elements added in after – it’s even more impressive.

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