Kasterborous Doctor Who podKast

On this week’s Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) we’re discussing the classic era versions of the Master, namely Roger Delgado and Anthony Ainley – plus a little bit of Peter Pratt, Geoffrey Beevers and Eric Roberts!

If you’re a fan of the modern era, though, don’t worry – Professor Yana himself gets a mention, as does the John Simm incarnation,

In fact, we even go the whole hog and cover the Paul Cornell version of the Master – also played by Derek Jacobi – in The Scream of the Shalka!

Listen as we also discuss the recent TARDIS Environmentals news story and the absurd email we received in connection to it, Peter Davison’s 50th anniversary project and our recommendations for this week!


Kasterborous Series 3 Episode 32 Shownotes

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  1. Someone thinks Mind of Evil is the best Delgado? Well, there had to be SOMEBODY out there.

    So, there’s a long discussion about how Derek Jacobi and John Simm’s Masters are great because they have wildly different portrayals and characterisations to Delgado and Ainley? And how unfortunate it is that so many fans think Time Lords always have to be identical in every incarnation, after we’ve seen such very different incarnations of the Doctor? And then we’re told that the Monk and/or the War Chief can’t be the Master, because they aren’t identical to Delgado? Eh?? And it’s not just some “fan theories”, as anyone who read the Target novelisations, the FASA Game, watched 80’s Mastermind, or read interviews with Malcolm Hulke and/or Robert Holmes could attest to. In fact, by acting like it’s 3 different Time Lords, you grotesquely distort the entirety of the first 13 seasons or so. As well as the very show name “Doctor Who”. But then I guess the stuff in promos, interviews, spin-offs etc. is “open for interpretation”(ala Wikipedia).

    And are you saying that Delgado, Ainley and Simm could never be comical?

    This podcast may be your Waterloo.

    1. Author

      This podcast may be your Waterloo.

      Don’t be so absurd. We had – as we always do – an off-the-cuff, unscripted discussion about the Master focussing on his classic era incarnations. We agreed that we didn’t believe the Monk, War Chief and Master of the Land of Fiction were earlier incarnations than the Delgado Master for very good reasons, but at no point did we say anything that we discussed was FACT.

      This podcast may be your Waterloo.

      It’s a podKast (with a “K”). It’s not going to be anyone’s Waterloo. Seriously, get a grip.

      1. No, you never said it was fact, but you mocked the idea that anyone may think they were the same person. And the reasons for saying you approved of Yana and Saxon were ignored when saying that you didn’t believe that The Monk or The War Chief may be The Master(I don’t think anyone seriously believes the fellow from The Mind Robber is The Master…) And what “Very good reasons”? Because they display slightly different personalities. Would you rather have every Time Lord be a one-dimensional cipher, rather than a three-dimensional character? I suggest you rewatch The War Chief’s “means to an end” speech from The War Games, followed immediately by The Master’s “use the Doomsday weapon for peace” speech from Colony In Space.

        Oh and you need to get a grip yourself. The Waterloo comment was a JOKE. Because “Waterloo” rhymes with…

        1. Author

          Hullabaloo? Irish stew? I dunno, you got me.

          I think “mocked” is a bit strong. I’ve personally enjoyed the idea that War Chief and the Master were one and the same in the past, but as there is nothing within the broadcast series that explicitly states this, what do we do? We rely on what is stated as having a precedence.

          There was certainly no intention to upset anyone who might feel otherwise, and having listed to the podKast several times for editing and compiling the shownotes, I don’t think that anyone else has been. If you’re genuinely affronted by the conversation then by all means accept our apologies, however. So far you’re one out of 500, so I think we’re doing okay.

          1. I’m sorry if I offended you. It’s just that I’ve had these same sort of discussions with people, who just will not see what is right there. Going just by the television show, one can say that there is nothing explicit. But it is odd that in Autons a Time Lord would come to warn the Doctor that an old acquaintance has arrived, the Doctor to mention how The Master(complete with freaky facial hair) uses hypnosis, and then for the two to reminisce about the War Games in Frontier in Space. You are of course entitled to believe whatever you like, but it does make more sense that The Master is coming to seek revenge for The War Games, than if he is just some soap opera-like long lost antagonist.

            Lastly, I do hope you’re joking about “Waterloo”. Maybe regional accents differ. I would tell you, but then we may both be sent letters of warning, instructing us not to use copyrighted brand names.

          2. Author

            No offence taken, and no harm done. As I say, I like the idea of the Master’s previous lives being a little more explicit; but then I agree with Brian when he suggests it makes Gallifrey more tangible when we consider that there are many renegades…

            Waterloo. D’oh, not sure how I missed that!

  2. Hey there, must admit have never listened to your show. 🙁 But perhaps stating that I have been a looooonnng time fan/reader of your site is acceptable. However, I am loading up recent shows onto ye ol’ Mp3 player for trip to work and shall leave feedback and rating via iTunes over the weekend.

    Editor/Contributor The Mythological Dimensions of Doctor Who

  3. I thought I’d contribute some thoughts.

    Time Lords do meet in order. I haven’t seen Classic Who (I plan on doing so, and read up on it in the meantime), but there is some dialogue reaffirming this in New Who. I think it’s in “The Sound of Drums”, but I could be wrong about which episode it is.

    They don’t necessarily meet at the same ages. It’s just that they meet in the same order, despite time travel. For example, the Master can spend 10 years before he runs into the Doctor again (but for the Doctor it’s been let’s say 5 years), but it will be their 98th encounter. Then let’s say the Doctor defeats the Master, traps him somewhere, the Doctor travels for 100 years, and then returns to the Master who’s waited 1 year, it’s their 99th encounter.

    Also, I liked Derek Jacobi’s portrayal of the Master, but he can never return. Firstly, due to the aforementioned Time Lord synchronization rule. Secondly, this incarnation of the Master (Professor Yana) spent nearly his entire life in human form (from the Chameleon Arch) without his Time Lord memories. About 35 minutes into “Utopia” during Martha’s questioning about Yana’s pocket watch, the Master admits I was found with it. An orphan in the storm. I was a naked child found in the Silver Devastation, abandoned … . This Master apparently ran from the Time War as a child (perhaps something to do with being brought back to life with a new regeneration cycle by the Time Lords), used the Chameleon Arch, and aged (now in human form, probably 40-60 years because of his then human longevity). Within minutes of learning his identity, he regenerates into the John Simm Master. At no point during this incarnation, could the Doctor meet the Master as the Master. Only a younger Professor Yana, a false identity.

    Really odd, is that the Master was found as a child at some point. I doubt it’s a metaphor. So, either the Master fought in the Time War in child form, or when running from the Time War, regenerated into a child and used the Chameleon Arch. Or an adult Master, used the Chameleon Arch to greater effect (if even possible) to not only make himself human, but a child human (perhaps to give him a greater lifespan than jumping into an adult).

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