Do you like the artwork in Doctor Who comics from Titan?
Doctor Who comics are seemingly everywhere these days you know 20 years ago all you have was Doctor Who Magazine’s fantastic strip perhaps punctuated with some classic comics releases from the old days.
of detail we are more even further back in time TV action TV comics all sorts of things these days are everywhere thanks to tighten prior to the idw Bertagna really ramped things up we’ve got the twelfth doctor we’ve got the eleventh Doctor we’ve got the Tenth Doctor we’ve got the ninth doctor in a miniseries we’ve got the fourth doctor in a miniseries which I’m particularly enjoying it’s a really good strip so far and we’ve also got a third doctor series coming up which I’m really really looking forward to now there have been some complaints concerns about some of the comic art they’ve been there from the artists and their styles have been utilized some of these strips the Tom Baker fourth doctor comic for instance as a race of traditional approach a very evocative of the philippines by fear of solid gothic you know b-movie a pastiche sort of look to it whereas modern modern strips of 12 11 10 in particular our first one fate eclectic styles mixed in there and which aren’t to everyone’s tastes and so I’ve just been recently looking at this interesting article about the Sherlock comic strip this recently outer it’s an adaptation of a study in pink with actually written by more fighting Gators and without work by Jay it’s from Titan and makes me wonder it’s got a manga approach now I machine to do manga as fantastic video came on YouTube a few years ago it doesn’t make me wonder whether you know these more experimental approaches the dot to visually are good or are they bad it seems to work with Sherlock why doesn’t it seem to work as well with two or is it just me but she does work so well with talk to you know what to do tell us what you think drop us a line through the comments hit is on Twitter or hit is on facebook tell us what you think bout da to artwork in comic books good bad could be better until next time goodbye