Hi listener and/or viewer – the podKast is available live right now on YouTube for your enjoyment, viewing pleasure and – if you like – your opportunity to feedback your own thoughts!

We’ll have the audio version of the podKast available later, but for now, watch and talk back!

Christian, Brian and James are also available for you via iTunes, Audioboom and by clicking play right here for the audio format version…


Thanks to Russell Hugo for the podKast theme tune.

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  1. Clearly, the Doctor cut Davros’s legs off when he took him out of the chair. For a laugh.

    1. Maybe there was a mini-Davros under there supporting him.

  2. Poor James. So badly stung by hornets that he can only be represented by an artist’s reconstruction of a high court case involving Matt Smith and 2 Cybermen. :((((((

    1. At least you recognized the sketches. Go me! 🙂

  3. Why does Davros stay in the chair if he no longer has legs?

    To the tune of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldyx3KHOFXw

    “Here in my chair
    I feel safest of all
    I can lock all my doors
    It’s the only way to live
    In chairs”

  4. Just watched the replay – actually I was one of your live listeners for a short while in the middle, because I missed the start and then had to leave to take my 11 year old to a party. Came in at the point just after the 32 minute mark in the recording above which was enough to get worried about you all without actually knowing what was going on until I played it through just now. Normally I download it from iTunes and play it in the car on my way to work during the week.
    Anyway, that aside, it was great to hear you all being so up-beat about the episode.
    One thought that I had was that when Missy was telling Clara about what things were and how tihngs worked and suchlike, her delivery was with such confidence and apparent authority that it seemed obvious to believe her, especially as some things she said matched up with events and some of those ended up being backed up by things the Doctor said later on. Apart from that, absolutely anything else she said, regardless of the “she knows what she’s talking about” attitude could simply be her lying to Clara, either to make her more compliant, or just for the lolz.

    There were breaks in her composure to make her less godlike though, notably when she had taken Clara into the room with the Dalek controller and saw them do the lucozade thing, and said “No, no, no Doctor what have you done?”.

    I like Missy a lot and don’t have a problem with her being the master – I don’t even care that much if it doesn’t really get explained or justified beyond “well, she just is”. In the last couple of weeks I’ve seen these episodes but also watched the Claws of Axos, listened to Dark Eyes 3 and watched the ’96 one (which for ages I thought had an actual title “…and about time” because those were the words the TV announcer used when it was aired). For me, the one who failed to portray the master has been Eric Roberts

  5. I am glad we are on the same wavelength on this season! Spot-on analysis. A few flubs this part, but more good than bad.

    Also, the stash is obviously a teapot and teabags. Mystery solved.

    1. I never considered the Dalek controversy of how they think. I thought Into the Dalek did a great job. It’s their machine interface just enforce their worst characteristics.

      The original Daleks in that first appeared were mean, uncaring, and aggressive, but were nothing like what we see today. They didn’t kill on sight. But I imagine their society just spiraled down (ethically at least). And their casings prevent rebellion, and their birth inside their mobile cages just incite them more. I don’t think saying it’s any one factor is fair; it’s a downward spiral of many factors. And that elevates Daleks to an unnatural evil. No society or population could be wholly evil, but the Daleks are a fascist society that enforces their ideology at the strictest level included technological conditioning.

      1. As you might infer, I respond before finishing the podkast because there’s so much to go over. That’s why I’m replying myself.

        I do like this site. People can argue here in a civil manner. The news is broad, accurate, spoiler-free.

        My favorite part is the podkasts, and it’s great. I used to check out reviews on other sites, and most weren’t up to Kasterborous snuff. The views here are quite balanced I think. They criticize, but fairly. They offer solutions to what problems they see, and talk out points. I’ve disagreed with podkast views in the past, but I’ve enjoyed every discussion they have. I’m hypercritical myself. That’s the point of a fan site. A casual viewer simply likes a show or story or episode, or doesn’t like. Here, we breakdown details, talk about them.

        I initially like the Moffat era quite a bit (I came into the show during that time), but I’m growing to dislike many of its tropes. Maybe it’s because I go through Classic and RTD’s era quickly, that I don’t have the time to mull over each episode for a week or a month. But even now, I can still see greatness in the show, in certain stories. I disliked Kill the Moon, but I felt it started strong, and only lost it in the end.

    2. I did wonder if that was a possible outcome myself if a future writer (Moffat or a successor) wanted to give Missy her own “character” away from the Master. I must admit, you could have fun with a “Two Masters” story now (or three perhaps if went for Beevers).

  6. confused – is the audio one on the link last week’s podcast on magicians apprentice?

    1. Yes it is. Christian is cak-handed, but has now fixed it.

  7. I assume all that stuff with the Doctor at the beginning of the episode didn’t really happen. It was all told from Missy’s perspective and she seemed to be just imagining what the Doctor might have gotten up to. Also, I didn’t really like all that stuff with Clara inside the Dalek and the explanations for how Daleks work. I guess it’s possible that Davros built in some kind of fail safe within Dalek machinery so that if a Dalek creature did rebel, it would still be forced to conform to the Dalek mind set. But then again, how do you explain Rusty from Into The Dalek? When he was saying all those things that conflict with Dalek beliefs, shouldn’t the Dalek machine have kicked in and altered what he was saying?

  8. I frequently enjoy listening to your thoughts (aside from the off-topic rambling). I have to say that your feelings about the rumours of SM and his team collating a dossier of your critiques come across as a little oversensitive.

    Doctor Who is an example of multi-million pound BBC event TV. You are some guys broadcasting from home, capitalising on your status as deeply knowledgable fans. Your right to pick apart the production, highlighting your delights and disappointments is not disputed, but the production team surely have an equal right to examine such critiques. It would be odd if they didn’t. Both parties seem to be sitting somewhere on the low-level paranoia scale as far as I can see.

    The sun will come up tomorrow, and we will all sit transfixed over each episode, the same sun will shine on SM while his creative drive is steering the Tardis.

    1. Author

      It’s a fair point.

      I think perhaps what has been lost in the frustration is the fact that we were being judged based on these critiques, as to our suitability for receiving invites to events and acquiring previews. Indeed, Kasterborous had been jumping through a particular set of hoops to facilitate reviving this particular “status”.

      But I think also you’re missing the point that these details are being collated not by anyone at BBC Wales, but by persons known within fandom. The sycophancy burns.

  9. one thing that was brought up in the podkasts was the quality of the acting. but I think we missed on the real star of the show, Joey Price who played ‘young’ Davros. looking back on his scenes they were superbly acted. perhaps even acted capaldi off the stage. what a find.

  10. It’s not unusual in any way, shape or form for brands to “listen in” to social media, whether podcasts, tweets, blogs, whatever. So TBH, the way you guys are going on about it is a little OTT. Put it this way: if some fan wasn’t (allegedly) sending stuff to Cardiff, they’d likely be monitoring it in other ways. Actually, there’s every chance they do both (ie: take on whatever gets sent in AND do their own separate monitoring anyway). It’s how the world works these days.

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