Angry Tom, Bonkers Tom, returning-for-the-fiftieth-anniversary-or-not Tom – it’s all here in the latest Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) as we spend the best part of an hour mulling over the force of nature, the eighth wonder of the universe that is…

Tom Baker!

Christian Cawley, James McLean and Brian Terranova chew the scarf on the legendary Fourth Doctor, covering moments from Robot through to Logopolis, even going to the trouble of suggesting some undervalued episodes from Tom’s mammoth 1974-1981 tenure in the role.

While Tom himself doesn’t actually appear on this podKast, you may nevertheless hear him say a few new things, exclusively for us (okay… they’re BT voicemail messages, recorded back in 2007, but damn it, they’re funny).


Once again, you’ll find a mysterious time-wimey “Previously on next week’s podKast” sentence to look out for, as reminded at the start of the show. Confused? You should be…

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Have fun, my dears!

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  1. 4th doctor anger

    seeds of death.

  2. Aside from the obvious gems, one Tom Baker story that I’d mention is The Leisure Hive. The overall change in everything I though was much needed, for 1980 it looked fresh, and is if they were taking Who seriously again. From the opening tracking shot, K9 blowing up on Brighton beach (kids must have been mortified at that), and the chemistry between Tom and Lalla is lovely. A nice touch at the end where the the main bad guy, Pangol isn’t killed but simply turned back into a baby. Lots of great witty lines (i.e. “Arrest the scarf”). Romana gets to be very doctorish and the performances are to class. Doctor Who doing a pastiche of the Godfather.

  3. I always was very impressed when the Doctor calls the Deciders out in Full Circle after the death of the Marsh Child. He goes from reprimanding them and when all they do is evade, he basically outs their authority structure as One Big Lie and then of course Nefrid one ups him to cap the scene. Great stuff!

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