The Secret Policemans Ball

Bloody James CordenExcellent to see Mitchell and Webb doing their Nazi “Hans, are we the baddies…?” sketch on last week’s show at the Albert Hall, and the little Iranian lady was good too.

But what a load of bad choices!

Alan Carr stuggles to be funny at the best of times, frankly, with much of the laughs coming from his persona, not his material. Meanwhile Quintessential Comedy’s favourite losers, James Corden and the other one whose name rightfully escapes me at the moment brought my astonished jaw crashing into my collar bone.

Those cocks made a total mockery of the event with their complete waste of time. Just when I think I’ve been hard on the bloke, he does that.

Tosser. About time you lot woke up too. Gavin and Stacey (aka Mong and Bint) is about as funny as Coronation Street, and that never refers to itself as a comedy. Open your eyes and start watching proper comedy with proper laughs written by talented people and not con artists.

Corden, your 15 minutes are up now, please bring the boat back.

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