Christian Cawley, James McLean and Brian A. Terranova inadvertently take the podKast into adult territory this week as the Doctor Who discussions find themselves dwelling on the idea of a sonic screwdriver sex toy. Obviously there is much more than this within the 51 minutes of this week’s guest-less chat, but let’sRead More →

This week’s podKast covers a trio of topical Doctor Who news items AND gives you the chance to win a copy of Doctor Who: The Vault from BBC Books! James McLean, Christian Cawley and Brian Terranova are on hand to offer their thoughts and discuss the recent #SaveTheDay teaser, theRead More →

Curious things took place at the K Towers virtual studio this week, resulting in an hour long podKast that somehow went unrecorded! Being the passionate Doctor Who fans that we are, of course, we pushed on, recording an approximation of the original that attempts to be as honest and genuineRead More →