Neil Patrick Harris in Doctor Who

Admittedly later than planned, we’re back for our review of the third Doctor Who 60th anniversary episode, The Giggle. Guest starring Neil Patrick Harris (Doogie Howzer MD, How I Met Your Mother, etc.), the episode reintroduces Bonnie Langford as Melanie Bush and brings us our first look at the 15thRead More →

Over the years the Doctor has had many companions. They come into his world and live the unbelievable life until it has become too much and they wish to live a simple life again. While all of these companions have come and gone, none have stayed with the Doctor throughRead More →

This week’s podKast (with a “K”) features the full team of Christian Cawley, Brian Terranova and James McLean chatting about Doctor Who: The Power of Three, with additional discussions about writer Chris Chibnall and UNIT. We also cover recent appearances by James on the Social Blend podcast and by ChristianRead More →

Doctor Who UNIT

You lucky people! Not content with gushing over Season 7 in last week’s podKast, this time around Christian Cawley and James McLean discuss the wonder that is UNIT, that Dad’s Army-esque band of brothers operating out of an ever-moving HQ, combating alien attacks with or without the help of theRead More →