Once in a while a new TV series comes along that unites the viewing public in passionate admiration. Back in 2006 we had Life on Mars; in the 1990s we had Between the Lines and the BBC’s remarkable adaptation of Pride and Prejudice starring a young Colin Firth. In 2010,Read More →

The Wedding of River Song

This week’s show is our much expected The Wedding of River Song review. What’s the deal with eyepatch lady? Does the trailer give away too much or not enough? The great thing about Doctor Who is that there isn’t a single story that is completely, 100% universally loved. With fansRead More →

The Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane

It’s podKast time again, people, and this week James McLean and Christian Cawley discuss a few interesting points regarding the recent trailers and the revelation that one of our TARDIS travelling heroes won’t be around to see their next birthday. In addition to this we cover the recent appearances ofRead More →