The Last Jedi

Did you hear the one about the butthurt #StarWars fans who want to remake The Last Jedi? But is this something fans should be planning, really? In an age where expectations and delivery are miles apart when it comes to long-running franchises, we consider their options. Sure, they could remakeRead More →

Doctor Who: Listen

It’s that age old question: is it for kids, or is Doctor Who for adults, too? Peter Capaldi, Russell T Davies, Star Wars: The Last Jedi; we’re covering everything in this week’s news-centric Doctor Who podcast with a K. Should you be concerned about the “William Hartnell script” that isRead More →

Well, it’s been a nice summer, but we’re back! James McLean and Brian Terranova are in the hot-seat this week, steering conversation from The X-Files to Star Wars: The Last Jedi via Spider-Man: Homecoming and comedy in order to try to work out why real life keeps permeating fiction. WhyRead More →