Remembrance of the Daleks

Former Doctor Who script editor Andrew Cartmel (1987-1989) joins us this week to chat about a new project, reviving the “Cartmel Masterplan” – Doctor Who Fan Fiction Illustrated! With Hans Christian Vang as his partner for this exciting new crowdsourcing proposal, Andrew is onboard to further the legendary “Cartmel Masterplan”Read More →

Angry Tom, Bonkers Tom, returning-for-the-fiftieth-anniversary-or-not Tom – it’s all here in the latest Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) as we spend the best part of an hour mulling over the force of nature, the eighth wonder of the universe that is… Tom Baker! Christian Cawley, James McLean and Brian TerranovaRead More →

We laughed, we cried, we said goodbye… this week’s Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) features Christian Cawley and James McLean discussing the merits (or otherwise) of the Doctor Who Series 7a conclusion, The Angels Take Manhattan. After a year and a half of questions and complaints about Amy Pond, willRead More →

We take a look at Doctor Who’s latest episode Dinosaurs on a Spaceship this week as Brian Terranova, James McLean and Christian Cawley chew that fat. Good episode or bad? Fun or dull? Dynamic or mish-mash? With all of that out of the way, we also bring up the topicRead More →

This is the podKast you don’t want to miss – Doctor Who is back and we’re raring to go with our fantastic discussion and review of Asylum of the Daleks! While our American team member Brian Terranova might have been gracious enough to hold back on spoilers and “ner nerRead More →

It’s podKast time again, and this week Brian Terranova, Christian Cawley and James McLean are taking a wider view of recent news and events, including some cosplay competition success for Brian, a recent viewing of The War Machines for Christian and thoughts on John Simm vs Derek Jacobi as theRead More →

It’s podKast (with a “K”) time once again! This week Christian Cawley and James McLean discuss the new trailer, the casting of alternative Ninth Doctor Richard E. Grant in the Doctor Who Christmas special and chat about actual Ninth Doctor Christopher Eccleton’s recent comments about the series. Could Eccleston returnRead More →

Doctor Who fans were left aghast recently at the sad loss of the original Romana, Mary Tamm, who died aged just 62. A few days later, character actor and one-time guest on the show (Trial of a Time Lord conclusion The Ultimate Foe) Geoffrey Hughes, known to millions as CoronationRead More →