Doctor Who: Love & Monsters

It’s podKast time! While we’re busy working on our various satellite projects for BeyondKasterborous, we’ve got a Doctor Who commentary for you, in which Christian Cawley, Brian A. Terranova and James McLean take a look at the oft-maligned, original Doctor-lite episode, Love & Monsters. Shownotes: PodKast Series 6 Episode 26 Love &Read More →

I like Paddy. He’s engaging, charming, has a great rapport with the audience and is hilarious when he’s sharing off the cuff thoughts (such as dealing with hecklers and the token “garlic bread!” cry from the audience). His new show, Paddy McGuinness Saturday Night Live!, is thankfully a definite improvementRead More →

You might say that he hasn’t really been anywhere what with Britain’s Got the Pop Factor… and Possibly a New Celebrity Jesus Christ Soapstar Superstar Strictly on Ice and various appearances (let’s forget Doctor Who) and repeats of Phoenix Nights and That Peter Kay Thing, but in truth Peter KayRead More →