Legend of the Sea Devils Reviewed PLUS Where Does Doctor Who Go Next?
With one more episode of Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor Who run to go, we review Legend of the Sea Devils.Read More →
With one more episode of Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor Who run to go, we review Legend of the Sea Devils.Read More →
Doctor Who is back this Easter weekend with Legend of the Sea Devils, the penultimate adventure of the 13th Doctor. We check out the trailer, make some observations about what is known (or rumoured) and look forward to the episode. Meanwhile, the reaction to our last podcast (How Much DoesRead More →
The latest Doctor Who has aired, which means that after Eve of the Daleks, we have just two episodes of Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor to enjoy. Christian Cawley and James McLean recall their thoughts on the episode, with contributions from commenters on our Facebook page. Listen out too for some recommendationsRead More →
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