Over the years the Doctor has had many companions. They come into his world and live the unbelievable life until it has become too much and they wish to live a simple life again. While all of these companions have come and gone, none have stayed with the Doctor throughRead More →

Someone in the bizarre alternate reality known as “fandom” recently described the lovely, very English, Sarah Jane Smith as an Über-companion: Über Term with literal meaning of “above” in German. Brought to the mainstream in the early 80’s by hardcore American punk band, the Dead Kennedys when using the termRead More →

Spearhead from Space

Christian Cawley, James McLean and the ACTUAL Brian Terranova bring you their latest Doctor Who commentary, as they rewatch and mull over the 1970 classic Spearhead from Space. Introducing a new Doctor (Jon Pertwee), new format (stranded on earth, UNIT), a new villain (the Autons/Nestene Consciousness) and in colour for theRead More →