Closing Time

So, why did Craig take little Alfie with him to the department store when he knew that Cybermen were stomping around? How did that huge Cyber-chestplate fail to fit the stocky young father, and just why don’t Cybermen live up their names and actually try conquering Earth via the InternetRead More →

Excellent to see Mitchell and Webb doing their Nazi “Hans, are we the baddies…?” sketch on last week’s show at the Albert Hall, and the little Iranian lady was good too. But what a load of bad choices! Alan Carr stuggles to be funny at the best of times, frankly,Read More →

You won’t feel that you have any choice once you’ve sat through this – BBC News have announced that Mong and Bint’s James Corden and Mathew Horne have signed up to make a new comedy sketch show for BBC Three. I shit you not. Worse, the once respected television corporationRead More →