Podkast Talks Lego Doctor Who, Clara Leaving/Not Leaving November 24, 2014February 12, 2021Christian Cawley 12 It’s podKast time! This week we again relied on Google Hangouts for our weekly discussion of all things Doctor Who, and while without [...]
Peter Capaldi’s Doctor Who Flirting Ban & Missing Episodes July 29, 2014November 23, 2023Christian Cawley 21 Doctor Who news from the past week is the focus of this podcast, including more missing episodes rumours. From Steven Moffat’s unusual comment [...]
Vworp Vs Kasterborous Magazine: Doctor Who Fanzine Chat! June 3, 2014November 23, 2023Christian Cawley 6 We’ve a special guest on this week’s Doctor Who podKast in the shape of Gareth Kavanagh, who joins us for a full hour [...]
Vworp Vworp!, American Doctor Who, Christopher Barry, Missing Episodes February 19, 2014June 17, 2024Christian Cawley 29 Welcome, dear listener/reader to this week’s podKast with a “K” in which we welcome Doctor Who fanzine producer Gareth Kavanagh, editor of Vworp [...]
Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Events Galore! November 12, 2013February 20, 2025Christian Cawley Comment This week’s Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) covers a lot of ground, so gird your loins dear listener and prepare yourself for a [...]
Frazer Hines and Deborah Watling at the Doctor Who missing episodes event! October 16, 2013October 13, 2024Christian Cawley Comment This week’s podKast brings a selection of interviews from the recent Doctor Who missing episodes event in London. Thanks to Gareth Kavanagh you [...]
PodKast with a Guest! July 2, 2013June 5, 2024Christian Cawley Comment Without Brian this week we decided to bring in a guest to balance things out a little bit, and who better than long-time [...]
WriterCon preview: Gareth Kavanagh reveals star guests! March 19, 2013June 15, 2024Christian Cawley 5 Hi there, Kasterborites! Welcome to this week’s exciting podKast (with a “K”) in which we cover everything from crappy PR statements that talk [...]
Ex-Script Editor Revives the Cartmel Masterplan in Fan Fiction Illustrated November 2, 2012June 28, 2022Christian Cawley 3 Former Doctor Who script editor Andrew Cartmel (1987-1989) joins us this week to chat about a new project, reviving the “Cartmel Masterplan” – [...]
PodKast Talks Doctor Who Comic Strips August 24, 2012May 1, 2021Christian Cawley Comment We’re taking you out of the madness of waiting for September 1st with this week’s Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) as Christian Cawley [...]