Tenth Doctor Who David Tennant

There seems to be a lot of confusion among Doctor Who fans and websites as to what constitutes a regeneration. Specifically – in this instance – I’m talking about the Tenth Doctor and the crazy moments in The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End when the Doctor regenerates, then later his severed handRead More →

Curious things took place at the K Towers virtual studio this week, resulting in an hour long podKast that somehow went unrecorded! Being the passionate Doctor Who fans that we are, of course, we pushed on, recording an approximation of the original that attempts to be as honest and genuineRead More →

It’s a full house this week as the Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) team is reunited for the penultimate episode of Doctor Who Series 7, Nightmare in Silver. You might like to place your bets now as to how the team come out in support or criticism of the episode,Read More →

We laughed, we cried, we said goodbye… this week’s Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) features Christian Cawley and James McLean discussing the merits (or otherwise) of the Doctor Who Series 7a conclusion, The Angels Take Manhattan. After a year and a half of questions and complaints about Amy Pond, willRead More →

We take a look at Doctor Who’s latest episode Dinosaurs on a Spaceship this week as Brian Terranova, James McLean and Christian Cawley chew that fat. Good episode or bad? Fun or dull? Dynamic or mish-mash? With all of that out of the way, we also bring up the topicRead More →

This is the podKast you don’t want to miss – Doctor Who is back and we’re raring to go with our fantastic discussion and review of Asylum of the Daleks! While our American team member Brian Terranova might have been gracious enough to hold back on spoilers and “ner nerRead More →