Neil Patrick Harris in Doctor Who

Admittedly later than planned, we’re back for our review of the third Doctor Who 60th anniversary episode, The Giggle. Guest starring Neil Patrick Harris (Doogie Howzer MD, How I Met Your Mother, etc.), the episode reintroduces Bonnie Langford as Melanie Bush and brings us our first look at the 15thRead More →

Wil Blue Yonder with Catherine Tate and David Tennant.

We’re back with a discussion about the latest Doctor Who 60th anniversary episode, Wild Blue Yonder. Christian Cawley and James McLean discuss various elements of the story, how it came across and compared to the previous episode (The Star Beast), and spend a few minutes slagging off the Power ofRead More →

The Star Beast

The first part of Doctor Who‘s 60th anniversary has aired – but what did the Kasterborous team think of The Star Beast? This week, Christian Cawley and James McLean are joined by Philip Bates, the driving force behind The Doctor Who Companion. We cover everything from steelworks in North LondonRead More →

Our special guest Scaroth the Jagaroth reviews Doctor Who Series 3 episodes 42, Human Nature/Family of Blood and Blink Plus: a few thoughts and opinions from Christian Cawley and Brian A. Terranova on the return of Catherine Tate in series 4 as Donna Noble…Read More →

Who is your favourite companion? Who is the TARDIS traveller you would happily see cast into a supernova (or left on a space freighter on a collision with prehistoric Earth)? We tackle these questions and others in the latest Kasterborous podKast with a K, starring Christian Cawley, Brian Terranova andRead More →