Watch or Listen as the PodKast Reviews The Witch’s Familiar! September 27, 2015June 5, 2024Christian Cawley 17 Hi listener and/or viewer – the podKast is available live right now on YouTube for your enjoyment, viewing pleasure and – if you like – [...]
The PodKast Discusses The Magician’s Apprentice September 21, 2015December 27, 2020Christian Cawley 34 So, a funny thing happened on Sunday. All geared up to discuss The Magician’s Apprentice in our podKast Live on Google Hangouts, we encountered [...]
PodKast Goes Live for Doctor Who Series 9! September 18, 2015Christian Cawley 9 In exciting podKast-related news that you might have missed, what with all of the goings on this week, the podKast team Christian Cawley, [...]
PodKast Previews Doctor Who Series 9! September 16, 2015December 25, 2020Christian Cawley 5 Doctor Who Series 9 is almost upon us, which gives Christian Cawley and James McLean the chance to mull over the recent prologue [...]
Impossible Worlds, Martha Hate & 13th Doctor Casting Rumour September 9, 2015June 5, 2024Christian Cawley 10 Oh yes, it is that time of the week again, as the podKast team of Christian Cawley, James McLean and Brian A Terranova [...]
Retroactive Recursions & Doctor Who Series 9 Speculation September 1, 2015January 13, 2021Christian Cawley 5 We’re back! Following a shock one-week hiatus (we’ll explain later), Christian Cawley and James McLean are back for a brand new podKast, as [...]
Discussed: Doctor Who Series 9 Rumours, David Tennant & RTD in Cardiff August 12, 2015January 14, 2021Christian Cawley 5 Christian Cawley, James McLean and Brian A Terranova head to the news well for this week’s podKast, in which they cover everything from [...]
Isn’t It Time to Get Over the “When is Doctor Who on again” Thing? June 18, 2015May 23, 2022Christian Cawley 11 It’s a podKast without a Cawley this week, as James McLean and Brian A Terranova take the reins and discuss the importance of [...]
The PodKast with a Moffat-Inspired F-Bomb May 21, 2015June 5, 2024Christian Cawley 12 It all started off so innocently. Christian Cawley and Brian A Terranova settled down to chat about some recent Doctor Who news when [...]
A PodKast with Autograph Anxiety PLUS Terrance Dicks Q&A April 23, 2015August 15, 2024Christian Cawley 14 Doctor Who script editor and novelisation legend Terrance Dicks features in a special Q&A on this week’s podKast, recorded at the Fab Cafe [...]