Tomb of the Cybermen

Doctor: [To the Cyberleader] ‘You’re nothing but a pathetic bunch of tin soldiers skulking about the galaxy in an ancient spaceship.’ Cyberleader: ‘Cybermen can survive more efficiently than animal organisms. That is why we will rule the galaxy.’ Revenge of the Cybermen And that is what it boils down to.Read More →

Daleks. When you think about it they really are ridiculous. For instance, they can’t pick things up, they need slaves to do that. They talk about their superior technology yet one has to wonder how they built it. Do they get a bunch of humans, tell them what to do,Read More →

Someone in the bizarre alternate reality known as “fandom” recently described the lovely, very English, Sarah Jane Smith as an Über-companion: Über Term with literal meaning of “above” in German. Brought to the mainstream in the early 80’s by hardcore American punk band, the Dead Kennedys when using the termRead More →