It’s time for this week’s Kasterborous podKast with a “k” in which Christian Cawley and James McLean discuss the amazing goings on in the world of Doctor Who fandom over the past 7 days. Recorded on Sunday (and therefore too early to be able to talk about this photo), theRead More →

Steven Moffat Doctor Who writer and producer

Chewing the fat on what has been taking place in the Doctor Who world lately are Brian Terranova, James McLean and Christian Cawley, who despite their obvious, unrivalled professionalism on the podKast haven’t received a Bafta lately (or, indeed, at all). Fear not, however, at least one of them hasRead More →

In a slightly different Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) editor Christian Cawley and podcasting meister James McLean spend a bit of time chatting about Torchwood: Miracle Day and the recent phone hacking scandal in the UK, which appears to have affected various Doctor Who personnel. According to Christopher Eccleston, heRead More →