This week’s podKast covers a trio of topical Doctor Who news items AND gives you the chance to win a copy of Doctor Who: The Vault from BBC Books! James McLean, Christian Cawley and Brian Terranova are on hand to offer their thoughts and discuss the recent #SaveTheDay teaser, theRead More →

We’re discussing the Twitter habits of Steven Moffat and Sophia Myles in this week’s podKast (with a “K”)… well, that’s how it starts, but in fact we manage to talk about pretty much every subject in the Doctor Who universe, from snow-bound Daleks to Hugo Awards. Christian Cawley, Brian TerranovaRead More →

We’ve got a full podKast coming later in the week (with Christian and James discussing Doctor Who video games) but in the meantime we reckoned it was an apt time for a discussion about the casting of the beautiful Jenna-Louise Coleman as the Eleventh Doctor’s next companion. [powerpress] With Daleks,Read More →

With no Doctor Who series to enjoy, things are a little different on Kasterborous this month and the podKast (with a “K”) is no different. This week James, Christian and Brian discuss Day of the Daleks as part of a site-wide celebration of the serial, and cover all manner ofRead More →

The Wedding of River Song

This week’s show is our much expected The Wedding of River Song review. What’s the deal with eyepatch lady? Does the trailer give away too much or not enough? The great thing about Doctor Who is that there isn’t a single story that is completely, 100% universally loved. With fansRead More →