Angry Tom, Bonkers Tom, returning-for-the-fiftieth-anniversary-or-not Tom – it’s all here in the latest Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) as we spend the best part of an hour mulling over the force of nature, the eighth wonder of the universe that is… Tom Baker! Christian Cawley, James McLean and Brian TerranovaRead More →

This week’s podKast (with a “K”) features the full team of Christian Cawley, Brian Terranova and James McLean chatting about Doctor Who: The Power of Three, with additional discussions about writer Chris Chibnall and UNIT. We also cover recent appearances by James on the Social Blend podcast and by ChristianRead More →

It’s podKast time again, and this week Brian Terranova, Christian Cawley and James McLean are taking a wider view of recent news and events, including some cosplay competition success for Brian, a recent viewing of The War Machines for Christian and thoughts on John Simm vs Derek Jacobi as theRead More →

Colin Baker as Doctor Who #6

What happens when to all intents and purposes, it seems that a Doctor Who costume is just wrong? This week’s Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) turns its attention to the matter of the Doctor’s sartorial elegance (or in some cases, lack of…) There isn’t a single incarnation of the friendlyRead More →

Greetings, Kasterborites, and welcome to the new Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”). This time around we’re covering cosplay, apps, novelizations and a discussion of Terrance Dicks’ work as an author on the TARGET books and Virgin New Adventures. As ever, James McLean, Brian A Terranova and Christian Cawley are onRead More →

This week’s Kasterborous (podKast with a “K”) takes a look at one of the most controversial elements of Doctor Who in recent years: the Slitheen. Brian Terranova and James McLean discuss the Aliens of London/World War Three two parter from way back in 2005, along with Boom Town and theRead More →

We’re discussing the Twitter habits of Steven Moffat and Sophia Myles in this week’s podKast (with a “K”)… well, that’s how it starts, but in fact we manage to talk about pretty much every subject in the Doctor Who universe, from snow-bound Daleks to Hugo Awards. Christian Cawley, Brian TerranovaRead More →

To make up for the disastrous non-appearance of last week’s Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) we’ve brought you our latest ramblings a little earlier this time around as we discuss the fascinating topic of locations in Doctor Who. It was our own Brian Terranova who noticed that since the modernRead More →