Welcome, one and all, to the Kasterborous Christmas PodKast (with a “K”) in which Christian Cawley, Brian Terranova and James McLean invite you to our seasonal party! (In time-honoured tradition, however, we’ve pre-recorded our Christmas special. Everyone does it. Even Jools Holland’s Annual Hootenanny is pre-recorded…) We’ll be discussing ChristmasRead More →

We take a look at Doctor Who’s latest episode Dinosaurs on a Spaceship this week as Brian Terranova, James McLean and Christian Cawley chew that fat. Good episode or bad? Fun or dull? Dynamic or mish-mash? With all of that out of the way, we also bring up the topicRead More →

This is the podKast you don’t want to miss – Doctor Who is back and we’re raring to go with our fantastic discussion and review of Asylum of the Daleks! While our American team member Brian Terranova might have been gracious enough to hold back on spoilers and “ner nerRead More →

This week in the Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) we focus on Brian Terranova’s experiences at the Asylum of the Daleks preview in New York”. With stories and recollections from the event, Brian tells us everything we need to know about this potentially triumphant return for the Daleks, without givingRead More →

Doctor Who The Dark Dimension

Back in 1993, Doctor Who fans were tempted with an early reprieve to the show’s cancellation two years earlier when BBC Enterprises entered into an agreement to start production on a straight-to-video 30th anniversary special, The Dark Dimension (aka Lost in the Dark Dimension). Over the  years Doctor Who fansRead More →

Last week we brought you the astonishing showreel of John Guilor, a voice artist whose recent work has including reproducing the voices of several former Doctors. So amazing was this news that we naturally decided to dedicate an entire podKast (with a “K”) to the news and its implications (apartRead More →