[singlepic=61,320,240,,right]One of the few American comics you’ll find on Quintessential Comedy, Steve Martin is one helluva crazeeee guy. Currently the Daily Record is running an “interview” (in reality a few quotes mainly cribbed from his autobiography) that reveals the darker sides to Martin, as well as a summary of someRead More →

[singlepic=15,240,320,,right]Causing a certain amount of surprise and a definite source of amusing on Christmas Day was Al Murray’s The Pub Landlord’s Book of British Common Sense. I went off comedy books a few years ago when I was heartily disappointed by Wayne’s World, and hadn’t really recovered – Murray’s tomeRead More →

The age of the comedy spinoff is most certainly with us, with companion guides and kerching cashins a-plenty in Borders and Waterstones last Christmas. Most notable of these was Al Murray’s The Pub Landlord’s Book of British Common Sense which I’ll be reviewing once I’ve cleaned up all the wee.Read More →