Doctor Who? Where? When?
What happens when you want to watch Doctor Who but it’s not on TV in your country?Read More →
What happens when you want to watch Doctor Who but it’s not on TV in your country?Read More →
Merry Christmas! To celebrate glad tidings on Earth and goodwill to all men – not to mention Time Lords defeating alien invasions — we bring you our own commentary of The Christmas Invasion, 2005’s very own season special that finally introduced David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor. James McLean, BrianRead More →
We bring our occasional series of Doctor Who commentaries into the 21st century this week with Rose, Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper’s first appearance in NuWho’s debut episode from March 26th, 2005. Inspired by our recent discussions about the late McCoy era, and with the obvious comparisons with the setting ofRead More →
Yay, it’s podKast time! This week, Christian Cawley and Brian A Terranova open the anniversary discussion, remembering Doctor Who Series 1 and mulling over the first 7 episodes, from Rose through to The Long Game. During the discussion, we recall the Rose leak, an event which had the potential toRead More →
It’s time for this week’s Kasterborous podKast with a “k” in which Christian Cawley and James McLean discuss the amazing goings on in the world of Doctor Who fandom over the past 7 days. Recorded on Sunday (and therefore too early to be able to talk about this photo), theRead More →
This week’s Kasterborous (podKast with a “K”) takes a look at one of the most controversial elements of Doctor Who in recent years: the Slitheen. Brian Terranova and James McLean discuss the Aliens of London/World War Three two parter from way back in 2005, along with Boom Town and theRead More →
In a slightly different Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) editor Christian Cawley and podcasting meister James McLean spend a bit of time chatting about Torchwood: Miracle Day and the recent phone hacking scandal in the UK, which appears to have affected various Doctor Who personnel. According to Christopher Eccleston, heRead More →
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