We laughed, we cried, we said goodbye… this week’s Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) features Christian Cawley and James McLean discussing the merits (or otherwise) of the Doctor Who Series 7a conclusion, The Angels Take Manhattan. After a year and a half of questions and complaints about Amy Pond, willRead More →

The Wedding of River Song

This week’s show is our much expected The Wedding of River Song review. What’s the deal with eyepatch lady? Does the trailer give away too much or not enough? The great thing about Doctor Who is that there isn’t a single story that is completely, 100% universally loved. With fansRead More →

The Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane

It’s podKast time again, people, and this week James McLean and Christian Cawley discuss a few interesting points regarding the recent trailers and the revelation that one of our TARDIS travelling heroes won’t be around to see their next birthday. In addition to this we cover the recent appearances ofRead More →