What happened to Have I Got News For You this week? Paul Merton and Ian Hislop were joined by Al Murray in the chair and among the guests was Germaine Greer. During the days running up to recording (Thursday evening), terrorists have attacked the city of Mumbai, Woolworths and MFIRead More →

[singlepic=14,320,240,,right]Al Murray might be back this Friday, and Harry Hill might be back next month; Enfield and Whitehouse are back on our screens too, but right now it’s Monday evening and all I’ve got is every single episode of Monty Python’s Flying Circus to watch. No bad thing, but I’veRead More →

[singlepic=14,320,240,,right]Friday nights with Al Murray frankly cannot come around fast enough. If there was ever a reason to knock nightclubs on the head, it’s the Pub Landlord himself, with his nationalistic pride, stuffed late dog and tales of woe in life and love. With a typically British stiff upper lip,Read More →

[singlepic=15,240,320,,right]Causing a certain amount of surprise and a definite source of amusing on Christmas Day was Al Murray’s The Pub Landlord’s Book of British Common Sense. I went off comedy books a few years ago when I was heartily disappointed by Wayne’s World, and hadn’t really recovered – Murray’s tomeRead More →

The age of the comedy spinoff is most certainly with us, with companion guides and kerching cashins a-plenty in Borders and Waterstones last Christmas. Most notable of these was Al Murray’s The Pub Landlord’s Book of British Common Sense which I’ll be reviewing once I’ve cleaned up all the wee.Read More →