Steve Martin

[singlepic=61,320,240,,right]One of the few American comics you’ll find on Quintessential Comedy, Steve Martin is one helluva crazeeee guy.

Currently the Daily Record is running an “interview” (in reality a few quotes mainly cribbed from his autobiography) that reveals the darker sides to Martin, as well as a summary of some of his motivations and, typically, a look at the various women in his life.

While there are those that say Steve Martin will never again reach the highs of The Jerk or Planes, Trains and Automobiles, I would personally tell them that he already has. Bowfinger is an intelligent and at times hilarious precis of the modern film industry, while his casting as Inspector Clouseau, while left-field, was inspired.

His father often played down his son’s success. In reality, he was jealous and regretful that his own career never turned out how he had planned it, and once remarked that Steve was “no Charlie Chaplin”. Steve Martin has, however, been immensely successful and I suspect has a lot of years left in him, in both straight and comedy roles, and who knows, we might even see him back in standup one day…

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