Well, here we are, dear listener. A day later than intended, the podKast is now available. You can blame the people who claim to administer our servers for the delay of your fix of weekly Doctor Who discussion with Christian Cawley, Brian Terranova and James McLean.
In this week’s podKast, we discuss the many redesigned monsters to have appeared in Doctor Who over the years, from Daleks and Cybermen to Sontarans, Ice Warriors and Silurians. There’s also chat about Tom Baker launching a run of classic Doctor Who on the Horror Channel and some missing episodes omnirumour talk!
Oh, and we talk about milkshakes, too. In fairness, that’s probably the highlight of the podKast, and we left it at the start, so click play to enjoy [NOTE: the intro contains some adult concepts, so if you’re not of age, please skip!].
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Brian hit the Sontaran on the probic vent with his comments about paying for autographs. I don’t think that it really counts if you queue up waiting for someone to call “next” and then hand over a tenner before you’re allowed to ask your childhood hero for an autograph.
I think that an autograph collection only ought to count if they’ve all been obtained from accidentally bumping into one’s heroes in the street.
I do think that sitting at a table at a convention signing autographs for money is a supremely tacky thing to do. Just shove another tenner on the entrance price.