Brian Terranova returns to the podKast this week as we find ourselves – for the third week running – discussing the many pitfalls of watching Doctor Who “classic” The Horns of Nimon…
If you’re not keen on the Nimon, worry not. We’ve got plenty else to talk about, from Matt Smith’s surprise Australian convention withdrawal to Titan’s problem distributing new Doctor Who comic, Peter Capaldi in an old Midsomer Murders and the likelihood of a series of Lego Doctor Who toys.
As ever, there are our recommendations, which include Dark Eyes 2 and Remembrance of the Daleks.
Ready? Click play!
- Last week’s podKast, discussing The Horns of Nimon
- The Horns Of Nimon on DVD
- Big Finish Nimon story, Seasons of Fear
- Peter Capaldi in Midsomer Murders
- BBC Books The Monster Collection Edition
- The Doctor Who Figurine Collection‘s Dalek Emperor tweet
- Recommendations
The Kasterborous PodKast theme tune is arranged by Russell Hugo.
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I love the fact that, barring emergencies, you guys really keep a regular schedule. It’s a hallmark of professionalism that helps bridge fandom with organized news and information.
I don’t always agree with your positions and sometimes cynical views (no surprise there I suppose), but it is always informative and entertaining. I can’t listen to this at work, but it will be a treat for me when I get home.
BTW, I’m sure you done this before, but could you guys either discuss or point me to an episode where you talk about the history of the Sonic Screwdriver? I’m, particularly interested in your views on it’s use or overuse in the classic series vs the new series and also if replicas are available to create a complete collection of them.
Thank you! And I’m sure Brian could do several podcasts on the sonic screwdriver! I suspect the prop will get a renewal with a new Doctor, so maybe a reason to revisit the topic then!
Cool. I’ll remind you when it start’s airing. I read somewhere that they stopped using the prop for the fifth doctor because it was being used to solve every problem. I’d actually never though about that until I read that.
But I can easily see it happening. New Who certainly seems to use it as a major plot device/prop to resolve many situations that would require other means.if he didn’t use it.
As I have long suspected, Brian has exceptional taste!
How many sonic screwdrivers did you have to pay Brian to support Nimon? 🙂
We’re talking the Key to Time with tracer here, I suspect…
No wonder then!
Before they got into all the branded stuff, only a few years back, rumour was that Lego was in big financial trouble – reason being that although kids loved it as much as they ever did, they weren’t buying much because the parents were passing theirs on. Lego was so good, it was indestructible and that was almost their downfall because they could only sell it once. The franchise tie-ins, plus their own stuff like ninjago and chima might have looked like a cynical cash grab but they were reportedly desperate for a revenue stream.
If that’s the case, the cynical cash grab was a smart and successful ploy against the far too well assembly pieces. They need to have a chat to some washing machine companies to see how to make stuff far less durable.
Hello…. It was mentioned that “The Forgotten” DW comic book could be had for a very low price. What is this price, and where? I want to dive in, and make sure I get it from the best place. Thanks!
I got it on Kindle for I think around 3 quid or so.
I’ve watched Time twice and never realised he had a wooden leg!!
Who would have noticed? Of course, Doctor Who wood!