It’s podKast time! This week we again relied on Google Hangouts for our weekly discussion of all things Doctor Who, and while without James McLean we were nevertheless able to invite Gareth Kavanagh, editor of the Vworp Vworp! fanzine and producer of various Doctor Who flavoured productions in Manchester.

Gareth joins usual hosts Christian Cawley and Brian A Terranova to talk Lego Doctor Who, whether Jenna Coleman is staying or going, and offer some very interesting recommendations.


This Doctor Who podcast was recorded live and streamed on YouTube – here’s the feed:

Remember, if you enjoy the show, find us on Apple Podcasts, where your reviews will help the show considerably.

Intro by John Guilor.

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  1. iTunes tells me there’s a permissions issue stopping me from downloading it

    1. Hi Nick, that should be fixed now.

      1. Thanks, I downloaded it now. I like to have it on my iPod because I listen in the car where I have no streaming data.

        1. It’s not a problem: I have to remember to set the permissions for each upload to the K server, which is where iTunes and Stitcher get their feeds from.

          Totally my fault 🙂

  2. Download link is dead.

    1. Problems with the download have been resolved.

      1. Yes, well, now it cuts off at 24m52s. Not sure if this problem is at my end, but thought you ought to know.

        1. i can’t check that at the moment, but there’s no reason why that should happen. Is this the download you’re talking about? Does it simply stop?

          1. That’s the point where the download stops (download file is 22.8MB). Clicking on the download link takes me to the player that also stops at 24m52s.

          2. Seems to have been a problem with the upload. The Kasterborous player shows 1.03 which is the length of the PK, and I didn’t have any reason to suppose this wasn’t the case.

            However it seems that the uplaod failed in some way, as it shold be 59MB. Just re-upping now, so should be fixed in 20 minutes or so.

            Thanks for letting me know!

  3. How could you forget Catherine Tate in Big Train ?

    1. You see what the problem is here – Big Train needs repeating ::)

      Good call, Gareth!

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