Parental advisory: this podKast features some adult language. There is also discussion of potential spoilers, so please, don’t listen if you’re easily offended by either.

He voiced the First Doctor in The Day of the Doctor‘s famous multi-Doctor scene, and now John Guilor descends on the Kasterborous Doctor Who podKast!

Chatting to James McLean and Christian Cawley, John tells us all about his work voice the First Doctor in the reconstructed Planet of Giants DVD release, offers some impersonations of Tom Baker and Paul Darrow, and shares a few fun stories. We also get to hear how John came late to acting – at age 35!

This is a longer-than-usual podKast, so please take your time with it, there is much to enjoy…


The Kasterborous PodKast theme tune is arranged by Russell Hugo.

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  1. The version I get in downcast is 23 seconds long!

    1. Author

      I think that may be yesterday’s trailer. Wait for it to update the RSS feed and it should add the full PK

  2. Meglos rocks. A man of considerable taste is John…

  3. I honestly thought it was Peter Capaldi providing the voice at first. lol

  4. What’s with all the background echos?

    1. Author

      A minor technical issue which we think may have been at John’s end but wasn’t picked up until editing.

      And one that no one else has commented on. 🙂

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