Doctor Who voice artist and actor John Guilor (The Day of the Doctor, Planet of Giants) joins the podKast team this week to discuss Into the Dalek, the second episode of Series 8 starring Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor.
What did we think of it? What did John think? And just what is Doctor Omega?
You’ll have to click play to find out, but let me warn you first – there’s a pleasing surprise that will make you feel warm and giddy and want to tell the world when you press that button.
No, don’t rush Into the Dalek, not yet. Take a Deep Breath, and then LISTEN!
- Porn Doctor Who
- Joe 90
- Doctor Omega And The Fantastic Adventure To Mars
- Brian A. Terranova Cosplay appearances: J1 Con, RetroCon
- Recommendations: Return of the Saint
, The Invasion
, Children of the Revolution, Gangsters
The Kasterborous PodKast theme tune is arranged by Russell Hugo. Introduction by John Guilor.
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Absolutely brilliant that Rigsby opened the show. Love it. Miss Jones!
Listening to your discussion on Missy, another theory came to me, one that would explain the “boyfriend”, the tea, the TARDIS hints and Missy’s character… Now, I’m convinced that in the last two weeks someone of authority confirmed there was going to be the first broadcast of an established but non-televised character and Big Finish is now canon. Now, boyfriend (or old flame), eccentric older woman… Anyone for a return of Iris Wildthyme? She would fit very neatly into Moffat universe. In fact, it’s almost surprising that Magrs didn’t create her for Moffat… Although, I would have preferred it to herald a return of Katy Manning to the screen.
It really could be…!
But no, clearly going to be the Master (why else would Moffat go out of his way to tell us the character had been retired for the moment).
I think Master/Rani is good money. Iris would be an interesting and perhaps groundbreaking crossover, I’m not sure I can imagine them being so bold. This is the problem with mysteries: easy to set up, hard to satisfy. At this rate, will any outcome amaze? 🙂
I have a theory that Missy might not even be an antagonist, but also might be a new incarnation of Romana.
Opening was just as loud as the rest of my podcasts from ITunes, but the rest was really too quiet. I wanted to take a deep breath and listen, but all i had was silence in the library,,,, errr,, car. (ok, I was able to crank my radio to 11 to hear it, but it also gave a lot of hum from the iphone or possibly the AUX cable, either way,,,, need more volume!)
Do you know, we had audio problems the last time John Guilor was on. Perhaps he’s a Cyberman?
I think the problem was with my mic, really. Shouldn’t happen as it’s bloody expensive. We’ll see how it turns out next time.