Join Christian Cawley, Brian Terranova and James McLean as they disassemble Doctor Who and put it back together again – much like the TARDIS in The Mind Robber, or Frontios if you prefer.

This week, we mull the lack of a real part 3 in rediscovered serial The Web of Fear, the evolution of the Cybermen and how this was influenced by design teams before it became a running theme in the show, and our usual recommendations.

Oh, there’s also a mention of Patrick Troughton’s oil painting ability and some discussion about Life on Mars, the excellent BBC time travel (or was it…?) show that starred Master actor John Simm.

Kasterborous PodKast Series 3 Episode 51 Shownotes

(This week’s podKast closing theme is the Peter Howell arrangement from 1980-1984)

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  1. I hate the fact that we still have to guess and speculate about all the missing eps and their return, including the ones we already know about. The secrecy stuff is painful.

  2. I blame this Maurice Phillips guy. He’s got his priorities back to front.

  3. Interesting podcast this week guys. All the talk of the evolution of the cybermen in the context of the series and behind the scenes and likewise with the console room. You should do more of this, taking a discussion point from your forum that you all find interesting and then running with it, good stuff. Especially in the next few months where apart from the occasional leak from cardiff and fingers X some more missing eps maybe turning up; i think talking points and general news might be a bit thin on the ground. For the record i think you’re general discussion on ATTACK was sound apart from one thing. I think as far as a remember the narrative of the story made it explicit that these were the first time-travelling Cybermen that we had encountered in the series and they had very much entered there own time stream to alter there own history. Hence more advanced looking cybermen were walking about in the context of there previous incarnations. As for the evolution of the console room in the mid 70s, i believe but am not sure that Pyramids was made before Planet of Evil, so any changes you mentioned had happened; cause and reason would of been the other way round. it’s interesting to note that in the seven seasons from 1970 to 1976, that’s 35 stories in all i think there’s only 8 stories that feature the inside of the tardis;ie the console room mainly. It shows how those two production teams had stopped considering it as one of the main selling points and strengths of the program.

    1. Author

      Hi Richy

      Glad you liked that, we’re happy with how it turned out. We’ve got a few ideas for the coming months 😉

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