Missing episodes – it’s something of a grokking topic for Doctor Who fans. One minute they’re lost, the next they turn up.

Indeed, even for the Kasterborous PodKast (with a “K”) we recently unearthed lost material that we had intended to bring to you today… only for it to vanish from the K Towers Matrix Databanks when it came to editing.

Fortunately, thanks to former Ugandan despot Idi Amin (unlikely as it may seem) and various BBC personnel (getting silly now, isn’t it?) we at least have the fascinating discussion about the likelihood of 90 missing Doctor Who episodes turning up.

What’s more, we even has references to alien invasions and the four minute warning.

So, click play below to listen to Christian and James discussing the whole bizarre saga as it is at this point in time…

Useful links for this week’s podKast:


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  1. Have you guys read Ian Levine’s recent tweets? The optimism levels are rising in me by a little bit. I am still somewhat cynical and suspicious, but unless somebody hacked Levine’s account, I’d keep watching the news unless otherwise confirmed false…

    1. Yes he seems to have done an 180 degree turn, doesn;t he? And he’s had enough time to rebut the tweets if he has been hacked. As ever it’s a “time will tell” scenario

  2. Well I have to say, this is the first time I’ve heard anything about this that really raised my hopes. Who the hell makes up a story like that?

  3. There’s no question that the novelizations are better than the TV episodes, even the ones that still exist. The books can always correct errors, and the imagination can do better things with the words on the page than a shoestring budget could in real life. However, it would still be nice to recover more lost episodes, especially in this 50th anniversary year, for everyone to enjoy the full (or mostly full?) legacy of this brilliant show, especially for people like me, young guy in his 30s who grew up on the classic episodes but was sadly too late to enjoy the ones that are now gone.

    On the subject of dictators having ordinary human interests, its not so far fetched. I saw a program where it was mentioned that Hitler loved Hollywood films, and one year for his birthday Goebels had even given him some Mickey Mouse reels. So, based on that knowledge, the idea that an African dictator could have hoarded British TV serials for his own private entertainment is not all that crazy, although it would be odd if Doctor Who was one of his favorites considering the Doctor always fought to overturn dictators and the like. 😉

    By the way, why doesn’t the listener who asked for the swearing to be toned down in case his kids hear it just listen with headphones, that way James can swear all he wants.

    1. For me, growing up in the mid/late 70s, when my family couldn’t afford a TV and so I had to watch the show intermittently on friends sets, DW was a literary series. My mother bought me a DW book (60p usually – can you imagine it) once a fortnight when my Dad’s dole money came, along with a packet of wine gums and a bottle of cherryade. I have, I must admit, never felt the same affection for the TV show has I have for the Target novelisations…

  4. We already know Idi Amin had some kind of over-the-top fascination of Scottish people… maybe he just really, REALLY liked watching Jamie…? XD

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