Gareth Kavanagh joins Christian Cawley for this week’s podKast, discussing everything from Mission DALEK to the differences between MP3 and FLAC. But on the way, they stop off and spend some time chatting about the current state of the omnirumour, the rather optimistic collection of rumours concerning the discovery (or otherwise) of some (or all) of Doctor Who‘s missing episodes.

Watch out also for a brief chat about the Doctor Who Series 9 revelations, the Dad’s Army trailer and the Lethbridge-Stewart series’ revised schedule.


Kasterborous PodKast Series 5 Episode 28 Shownotes

(Apologies for some unusual audio interruptions towards the end of this week’s podKast.)

The podKast theme tune is by Russell Hugo. It’s good, isn’t it?

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  1. I wrote for Colin B back in the 90s for his fanzine, Circus, which was one of the best zines from that era. Happy times…

    I suppose I should listen to the podcast though!

  2. Is that thing (the omnirumour) still going? If they had anything they’d have put it out while BBC Worldwide was still interested in doing classic era DVD releases. There’s always hope, but it’s not something to hold one’s breath over.

    1. That’s not correct. There is every chance in the world that Phil Morris has *something*, but the BBC negotiations haven’t been worked out satisfactorily. You see, until they work out a deal, neither party will officially announce anything. There are also strong rumours about certain screenings of certain content with certain people — who were all under NDAs — but I won’t even bother with that for now. I just stick to the most basic line that, until a deal is done, anything that’s been found (and remember, Phil is looking for much more than just Doctor Who and has likely found many different programs), isn’t going to be announced to us.

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