Legendary Moments in Comedy

Les DawsonWith my spur-of-the-moment Les Dawson day, I thought what better time than to introduce a new category – Legendary Moments in Comedy! You may know this story – if not, it has been around for nearly 20 years, and there really is no reason to disbelieve it…

Sunderland Empire is 101 years old, and still going strong. However the theatre was in the news for different reasons back in 1976, as comic legend Sid James played his last part there, passing out on stage in front of an audience – he was declared dead on arrival at the local hospital.

Sid JamesYears later, in 1989, Les Dawson appeared at the venue – and is reported to have been greatly troubled by something that he saw in the dressing room; so much so he not only refused to describe in full what he had seen but he also turned down all further invitations to work at the Sunderland Empire.

Many believe that what Les Dawson saw was ghost of Sid James.

Les took the secret to the grave with him, but never set the rumour straight…

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