Is Jodie Whittaker leaving Doctor Who?

Has Jodie Whittaker quit Doctor Who. Or is she staying? Who is in the running to replace the Thirteenth Doctor? Is there even a new name being considered? And is Chris Chibnall also leaving the show? We don’t know, but there is plenty of press speculation to discuss. Also: comedianRead More →

Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child

We’re back for our first post-lockdown Doctor Who podcast! This time, James McLean and Christian Cawley discuss the best “worst” Doctor Who stories, and there’s also news of a new website project, Sol3. Our Best Worst Doctor Who Stories An Unearthly Child/100,000 BC Love & Monsters Delta and the BannermenRead More →

Abslom Daak, Dalek killer

This week’s Kasterborous podKast features a fascinating discussion with Gareth Kavanagh about the second Doctor Who Magazine love-in that is Vworp Vworp! #2! Long-term readers of Kasterborous will recall that the first issue of Vworp Vworp! featured a couple of contributions from this very site, not least in the shapeRead More →

Back in 1981, James McLean and Brian Terranova were both 6. Which means that they would have seen Castrovalva aged 5 or 6 (ignoring the fact that Brian is American and didn’t see Castrovalva for several years…). Join us as we look back on the opening episode of the FifthRead More →