Adherents of Doctor Who pt 1 May 4, 2019June 5, 2024Christian Cawley Comment We’ve travelled to the 19th century and met Charles Dickens; we ventured in to the distant future and met the Moxx of Balhoon [...]
The TARDIS – A bit of Alright! May 4, 2019Christian Cawley Comment Regardless of what you might think, there is only one star in Doctor Who. Oh she may have been sidelined for a couple [...]
The First Doctor Who: Citizen of the Universe May 4, 2019Christian Cawley Comment Once upon a time, there was a very old man who lived with his granddaughter. One day, he fell out with his family [...]
Adherents of the Bad Wolf May 4, 2019Christian Cawley Comment Story arcs, themes, linking stories, it’s all been done before. Doctor Who, The X Files, Babylon 5, the list goes on. Pretty much [...]
Who Lotta Love… May 4, 2019Brian A Terranova Comment Doctor Who The Pop Star Why, oh why did those words ever have to come together? I’m not referring to Ms Billie Piper, [...]
Themeing a Tune May 4, 2019Brian A Terranova Comment Back in the swinging sixties a TV show about a man from space captured the attention of millions of viewers, but the first [...]
Pirates, the Universe and Everything… May 4, 2019Christian Cawley Comment “Polyphase Avatron” is a phrase which will get spellchecking software the world over in a tizz. As is the word “tizz”. To Doctor [...]
More Steel than David McCallum May 4, 2019Christian Cawley Comment More nerve than VX gas. More hate than the Middle East. More comebacks than Tom Jones. Now with added airpower. They make Cybermen [...]
Rebirth of the Daleks May 4, 2019Brian A Terranova Comment Daleks. When you think about it they really are ridiculous. For instance, they can’t pick things up, they need slaves to do that. [...]
We are the Masters of Earth! May 4, 2019Christian Cawley Comment “Little green blobs in bonded polycarbide armour” “If you’re supposed to be the superior race of the universe, why don’t you try climbing [...]