The PodKasts of Life August 19, 2011June 5, 2024Christian Cawley 2 Bloody hell, Torchwood, just what what are you doing? We’re up to episode 5 and you’re only just giving us a decent cliffhanger? [...]
Torchwood: Miracle Day – Escape to L.A. Reviewed August 12, 2011February 19, 2022Christian Cawley 1 Kasterborous podKasters Brian Terranova and James McLean take Torchwood: Miracle Day to task and ask just how inept can the team get following [...]
Dead of PodKast August 4, 2011June 5, 2024Christian Cawley 3 If you’ve been watching Torchwood: Miracle Day, you might be very interested in our latest podKast (with a “K”) in which we wonder… [...]
PodKast Hacking Scandal July 27, 2011June 5, 2024Christian Cawley 2 In a slightly different Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) editor Christian Cawley and podcasting meister James McLean spend a bit of time chatting [...]
Torchwood: Miracle Day Episode 1 The New World Review July 22, 2011February 14, 2021Christian Cawley Comment Christian Cawley and James McLean discuss Torchwood: Miracle Day episode 1 The New World from a UK perspective as well as other Torchwood [...]
Doctor Who in World War 2 PLUS Torchwood Miracle Day July 16, 2011June 22, 2022Christian Cawley Comment This week’s Kasterborous podKast (with a K) sees the return of editor Christian Cawley to the fold as he, Brian Terranova and James [...]
Big Finish Licence Renewal and the Future of Doctor Who July 8, 2011January 31, 2021Christian Cawley Comment Brian Terranova, James McLean and guest Patrick Riley are in the hotseat this week for the latest podKast (with “K”). This time around, [...]
Differences Between RTD and Moffat Doctor Who Eras June 30, 2011January 19, 2021Christian Cawley Comment In this week’s show, we take look at the difference between Russell T Davies and Steven Moffat’s approach to Doctor Who. What separates [...]
Doctor Who TV Movie: Dated, X-Files Ripoff, or Better Than That? June 22, 2011June 5, 2024Christian Cawley Comment Back in 1996, the Doctor Who TV Movie struck TV screens on both sides of the Atlantic. At home it was a hit; [...]
Doctor Who Reviewed: The Doctor’s Wife May 18, 2011February 6, 2021Christian Cawley Comment Archive podcast upload reviews the 2011 Doctor Who episode The Doctor’s Wife, by Neil Gaiman and starring Matt Smith. [...]