If not, it certainly comes close… The BBC entered a new era this weekend with the launch of ‘BBC Hardcore’ – a free to air pornography channel intended to compete with the fastest growing area of digital broadcasting. ‘BBC 69’ as it will also be known will cater for thoseRead More →

Omid Djalili’s “No Agenda” show was broadcast on Friday night on Channel 4, and gives an interesting demonstration in the art of standup comedy. It topped off a reasonable evening of comedy, but while Enfield, Whitehouse and Murray have what can clearly be described as jokes, Djalili’s material sits inRead More →

[singlepic=14,320,240,,right]Al Murray might be back this Friday, and Harry Hill might be back next month; Enfield and Whitehouse are back on our screens too, but right now it’s Monday evening and all I’ve got is every single episode of Monty Python’s Flying Circus to watch. No bad thing, but I’veRead More →

[singlepic=53,320,240,,right]A welcome return for Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse on Friday evening, with the “I Saw You Coming” man on deliciously rude form, the posh scaffolders discussing modern art and an amusing 1920s version of The Bourne Identity. But top of the pile was a superb Dragon’s Den skit, withRead More →

The Kevin Bishop Show has gone from strength to strength over its run, and has underlined the importance of Channel 4’s continued investment in new comedy talent. With Channel 4 and the BBC both concerning themselves with new talent and formats, and ITV plodding along with just two guaranteed comedyRead More →

Currently on a summer break from touring – no doubt to record Mock the Week – Frankie Boyle is a pretty prolific comic, it seems. Not only does he contribute hugely to Mock the Week, he’s also contributed material to Jimmy Carr, as well as appearing on Have I GotRead More →

[singlepic=13,320,240,,right]Harry Hill (real name Dr Matthew Keith Hall) is one of the top comedy performers in the UK today, and one of ITV’s highest earners. Since his first appearance on BBC radio in Harry Hill’s Fruit Corner in 1994, he’s gone from strength to strength, building a tight live routineRead More →

[singlepic=44,320,240,,right]Considering dipping my toe back into the standup scene, I decided to Google exactly how much I could expect to see once I’d begun to make a name for myself. Interesting answer below, amended slightly from the source for relevance to the English language as spoken by us in England,Read More →

An increasing amount of comedy is finding its way into the Podcasting charts, with names such as Ricky Gervais, Phil Jupitus, Armstrong & Miller and more heading a list of amusing downloads. 260,000 downloads graced Ricky Gervais’ podcasts back in 2005, with other comedians quick to follow. One currently amusingRead More →

Just 3 years after denouncing the state of British Comedy on a Channel 4 documentary, TV exec David Liddiment has taken part in a panel at the Edinburgh International Television Festival that celebrates the arrival of a new wave – one that includes the risible Lab Rats. Lest we forget,Read More →