Bloody hell, Torchwood, just what what are you doing? We’re up to episode 5 and you’re only just giving us a decent cliffhanger? That’s right, it’s time for the Torchwood: Miracle Day heavy Kasterborous podKast with a K, in which Brian A Terranova, Christian Cawley and James McLean try andRead More →

If you’ve been watching Torchwood: Miracle Day, you might be very interested in our latest podKast (with a “K”) in which we wonder… What the hell has gone wrong? Miracle Day got off to such a great start with The New World and Rendition, but if episode 3 Dead ofRead More →

In a slightly different Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) editor Christian Cawley and podcasting meister James McLean spend a bit of time chatting about Torchwood: Miracle Day and the recent phone hacking scandal in the UK, which appears to have affected various Doctor Who personnel. According to Christopher Eccleston, heRead More →

The Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane

It’s podKast time again, people, and this week James McLean and Christian Cawley discuss a few interesting points regarding the recent trailers and the revelation that one of our TARDIS travelling heroes won’t be around to see their next birthday. In addition to this we cover the recent appearances ofRead More →

I love Bill Bailey. He looks funny, he says funny things and he’s a great musician – all things I can admire in a person. Now there was a bit of a mix up with the PR company that sends these review discs out; they were convinced that Dandelion MindRead More →