Doctor Who UNIT

You lucky people! Not content with gushing over Season 7 in last week’s podKast, this time around Christian Cawley and James McLean discuss the wonder that is UNIT, that Dad’s Army-esque band of brothers operating out of an ever-moving HQ, combating alien attacks with or without the help of theRead More →

Colin Baker as Doctor Who #6

What happens when to all intents and purposes, it seems that a Doctor Who costume is just wrong? This week’s Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) turns its attention to the matter of the Doctor’s sartorial elegance (or in some cases, lack of…) There isn’t a single incarnation of the friendlyRead More →

Paul Darrow in the stage adaptation of Robots of Death

Running from July 1st at the Fab Cafe in Manchester is a stage adaptation of Robots of Death, the classic 1977 Doctor Who serial written by Chris Boucher. Behind the production is Gareth Kavanagh, and he makes a special appearance on this week’s podKast (with a K) to discuss thatRead More →

Steven Moffat Doctor Who writer and producer

Chewing the fat on what has been taking place in the Doctor Who world lately are Brian Terranova, James McLean and Christian Cawley, who despite their obvious, unrivalled professionalism on the podKast haven’t received a Bafta lately (or, indeed, at all). Fear not, however, at least one of them hasRead More →

We’re a little later than normal with this week’s podKast – but worry not, we’re here now to discuss (in our own unique manner) everything from the impending end of the DVD range (or is it?) to whether or not Matt Smith might star in Doctor Who for more episodesRead More →

Greetings, Kasterborites, and welcome to the new Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”). This time around we’re covering cosplay, apps, novelizations and a discussion of Terrance Dicks’ work as an author on the TARGET books and Virgin New Adventures. As ever, James McLean, Brian A Terranova and Christian Cawley are onRead More →

This week’s Kasterborous (podKast with a “K”) takes a look at one of the most controversial elements of Doctor Who in recent years: the Slitheen. Brian Terranova and James McLean discuss the Aliens of London/World War Three two parter from way back in 2005, along with Boom Town and theRead More →