You can’t have missed our recent editorial concerning the revealing of spoilers on Bleeding Cool – and while we are happy for the fuss to die down, this week’s podKast (with a “K”) has a different take on the whole situation. Rather than focus on the spoiler itself or judgeRead More →

In a Christian-free episode, Brian Terranova and James McLean discuss differences in British and American genre TV over the years, chatting about lighting and cinematography. Oh, and the TV Movie and its similarities and differences with The X Files and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. That’s before the podKasting pair wendRead More →

It’s podKast time again, and this week we discuss a couple of Doctor Who-related matters. Most topical is our reaction to Colin Baker’s ejection from “the jungle”, but we also discuss the beauty of the “base under siege” adventures that punctuate the show’s history. With Colin’s departure from I’m aRead More →

A little later than usual, it’s time for the podKast! This week, Christian, James McLean and Brian Terranova discuss the horror that is…. Pip and Jane Baker! The husband-and-wife team had four sets of scripts on Doctor Who in the 1980s: Mark of the Rani, Terror of the Vervoids, TheRead More →

Remembrance of the Daleks

Former Doctor Who script editor Andrew Cartmel (1987-1989) joins us this week to chat about a new project, reviving the “Cartmel Masterplan” – Doctor Who Fan Fiction Illustrated! With Hans Christian Vang as his partner for this exciting new crowdsourcing proposal, Andrew is onboard to further the legendary “Cartmel Masterplan”Read More →

Angry Tom, Bonkers Tom, returning-for-the-fiftieth-anniversary-or-not Tom – it’s all here in the latest Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) as we spend the best part of an hour mulling over the force of nature, the eighth wonder of the universe that is… Tom Baker! Christian Cawley, James McLean and Brian TerranovaRead More →

John Nathan-Turner

We’ve been talking about doing this podKast for literally months, but thanks to the end of Series 7 we’ve finally got around to dedicating a podKast to arguably Doctor Who‘s most divisive producer, John Nathan-Turner! Starting with his first series in charge and making reference to his success as aRead More →

We laughed, we cried, we said goodbye… this week’s Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) features Christian Cawley and James McLean discussing the merits (or otherwise) of the Doctor Who Series 7a conclusion, The Angels Take Manhattan. After a year and a half of questions and complaints about Amy Pond, willRead More →