It’s time for this week’s Kasterborous podKast with a “k” in which Christian Cawley and James McLean discuss the amazing goings on in the world of Doctor Who fandom over the past 7 days. Recorded on Sunday (and therefore too early to be able to talk about this photo), theRead More →

Have you ever been embarrassed by being a Doctor Who fan? Is embarrassment a terminal plague upon your love of the series, or do you wear fandom on your sleeve, cosplaying at conventions and generally having a lot of fun with things? This strange collision of approaches – dressing upRead More →

This week’s podKast (with a “K”) is a collision of time – and indeed “wime” – as we bring some recent unheard highlights to the table as Christian Cawley, James McLean and Brian Terranova discuss some Doctor Who topics “after hours”. That term isn’t an admission of adult language (althoughRead More →

HUZZAH! Last week’s podKast (and indeed all of our weekly ramblings) is now back up and running for our listeners and subscribers to enjoy, so forgive us this indulgence as we re-present it for your entertainment. As you may recall, this podKast (with a “K”) covers Big Finish’s 50th anniversaryRead More →

Happy 2013! It’s podKast time, and this week we’re discussing a nice selection of Doctor Who-related things, from Big Finish’s 50th anniversary plans to our recent recommendations, what episode we would take to a desert island and running a competition for you to win a copy of the paperback versionRead More →

Welcome, one and all, to the Kasterborous Christmas PodKast (with a “K”) in which Christian Cawley, Brian Terranova and James McLean invite you to our seasonal party! (In time-honoured tradition, however, we’ve pre-recorded our Christmas special. Everyone does it. Even Jools Holland’s Annual Hootenanny is pre-recorded…) We’ll be discussing ChristmasRead More →