Kevin Bishop – where next?

The Kevin Bishop ShowThe Kevin Bishop Show has gone from strength to strength over its run, and has underlined the importance of Channel 4’s continued investment in new comedy talent.

With Channel 4 and the BBC both concerning themselves with new talent and formats, and ITV plodding along with just two guaranteed comedy ratings winners, you have to wonder where the next step from ITV might come from.

For me, Kevin Bishop is the perfect candidate for ITV. His show is pitched around the same level as TV’s Naughtiest Blunders (a show that exists purely to pay Neil Morrissey’s mortgage) and the format potentially contains something for everyone.

ITV are in dire need of a sketch comedy series. They need to put behind them concerns over taste and advertiser involvement and sign up Kevin Bishop to provide a mid-to-late evening version of his quick-fire sketch show.

At the very least, Bishop would get the exposure his show deserves.

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